So here's the journey of how I got blue/turquoise hair if anyone of you want it.
About a week ago I decided I finally wanted to go grey ombre so I bleached the ends one more time to get it more white (already had ombre). It turned out white, but there was still a lot of orange/yellow colors, even though I toned it with Directions Silver toner + sat an hour with purple shampoo, also known as silver shampoo from Dennis Knudsen.
For the blue color I used Revlon Professional Nutri Color Creme in Turquoise, applied it on towel dry hair and sat with it for about 15-25 min I think, even thought it says 15 min. on the package.
It colored everything that was really blonde/white/silver a bright blue color, and the more yellow pats a bit green.
If you have any questions, just ask them in the comments below!