I got in touch with VpFashion a while ago, and together we came on the idea of trying out these really personalised extensions, which are pretty much the same as the ones Kylie Jenner came out with at Bellamihair. The price range are just different! Now, I don't know how the quality is of the Bellami ones, but I bet it's amazing since they're pretty expensive. But you can get just as fine of a quality and even more personalised extensions from Vpfashion for less money.
I'm just gonna point out that the service is amazing, and they're so kind!
Anyway! I got the extensions after a while of planning them out, I just had one problem.. The color starts underneath my hair.. So I'm somehow gotta have to get the blue color up longer, because I'm not gonna color all my hair black just to match them.. But other than that I love the color, and it was exactly the color I wanted which is amazing!
You do get extra clips in the package if something should happen.
VpFashion do have ordinary colors if that's what you're looking for, and it's easy to find your suitable color on their website! If not, just contact them and you'll get the help needed! But if you do have all purple hair or blue hair with green highlights, (I don't know) you can get them you want it, and that is what I love about them!
these were the ones I picked, and then got the color a tiny bit different, and in 18 inches.
I'm also gonna put up a video about them whenever I get my hair color matched! I'm so excited to do that!
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